
Monday 31 July 2017

Way to go Camille!

Just recently Camille Togisia went into the Wanganui Muddy River Country Music Awards and took out out 1st place in the littles (under 7), 2nd in the junior open song choice and 2nd in the duo with her sister Hailie Le Bas.

What a fantastic achievement!!

Tuesday 30 May 2017

Seesaw app...

Things have been a bit slow on the blog front recently (but not in the pod!)

Notices went home today with details about logging into your child's Seesaw account.  Please check bags or bookbags carefully for these.... if you need technical assistance please come and find Carissa.

This will be a fantastic way to connect and find out what is happening at school!

Sunday 14 May 2017

Cross Country

A quick reminder.... this is on Friday 9 June (end of week 6).  There will be no CRE (Religious Education) on this day.  Further details will be in the school newsletter over the next few weeks.

If you have any questions about the Cross Country please come and see one of us.

Term 2, Week 2 updates....

Thank you all for your support of our Book Week and dress up day.  The students all looked amazing on Friday!!
A quick reminder that Book Sales will also be on in the Atrium after school on Monday until 4pm if you were unable to get there on Friday and you are still interested.

Wednesday 29 March 2017

-5 sugar lunchboxes

The next -5 lunch challenge is on Monday.... here is a poster as a reminder of it's purpose:

Saturday 25 March 2017

Fun with magnets!

We have been going a bit magnet crazy at school at the moment... between fridge magnets for gala and learning about magnets as part of our Science topic this term....

All our our learners have been having lots of fun learning about the properties of magnets over the past week.  Our key learning was around the poles of a magnet, the magnetic field and how magnets repel and attract depending on which poles are touching.  

Monday 20 March 2017


Our students did a fantastic job hosting the assembly on Friday.... with the luck of the Irish behind them, they were fantastic!!

Here is the "dress rehearsal" of the rainbow song that we presented.  If any parents have photos to share, please email them to one of the teachers; we will happily post those too!

Mighty Magnets!

We will be spending the next few weeks learning about magnets and their properties.  Here is a quick movie to get kick-started... we hope your child will come home with more information over the next few weeks!

Saturday 4 February 2017

Scholastic book orders

Due Date (Issue 1)
Friday 10th February
Image result for rainbow book clipart

To order your books either:
- Bring your order and money to Mrs Durham in the office
- Order online at